# EasyFurnace [EasyFurnace](http://oxidemod.org/plugins/1191/) creates a joy out of using furnaces. ## What is EasyFurnace used for? Is the filling of furnaces to much of a pain? Then EasyFurnace is for you, all you have to do is drag some metal or sulfur into the furnace and sit back to watch the magic. ## Config The config file for the plugin is located in Oxide's default config file folder ([serverroot]/server/[serveridentity]/oxide/config). The default configuration: ```json { "Furnace": { "Metal": { "Ores": 4, "Output": 1, "Wood": 1 }, "Sulfur": { "Ores": 4, "Output": 1, "Wood": 1 } }, "LargeFurnace": { "Metal": { "Ores": 12, "Output": 1, "Wood": 5 }, "Sulfur": { "Ores": 12, "Output": 3, "Wood": 3 } } } ``` The sum of **"Ores"**, **"Output"** and **"Wood"** has to be **6** for normal furnaces and **18** for large furnaces. * **"Ores": {int}** - The amount of slots in the furnace to be used by ores. * **"Output": {int}** - The amount of slots in the furnace to be used by the output material. * **"Wood": {int}** - The amount of slots in the furnace to be used by wood.